
The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland Continued...

This Region's Climate
1. Translate the word humid

2. What does humid mean? Explain in your own words using 3-5 sentences.
It can be a kind of weather.It's wet and cold.Or wet and warm.Same as moist;damp.

3. How can the Great Lakes cool the temperature during the summer? What do you think happens?
The Great Lakes tend to cool the temperature during the summer.I think it's cool.

4. Find a photograph of Lake Michigan. Explain what you see.I see four people walking on the shore.The man turn back to see the dove that flying in the sky. Look at the land,there are lots of building,some of them are very high,and theothers are lower.

5. Find a photograph of Lake Superior. Explain what you see.
I see the huge rocks.There's big hole,it's so large that I can though it to see another mountain.There are many trees grows on the rocks on each mountain.The mountain's color is very beautiful,yellow and white and a little gray.

6. Find a photograph of Lake Erie. Explain what you see.

I can see the sunset,it's very beautiful,the sun is still shining,reflected back the bright sunlight.I can see the sail boat faraway,it's too small to compare with the sea and the sun.But I don't know what the gray thing like a large piece of cloud is..
7. Find a photograph of Lake Huron. Explain what you see.
I can see the large,white lighthouse,stand in the green forest. The sea looks turbulent and dark.May be it is very high.The blue sky,there's no clouds.

8. Find a photograph of Lake Ontario. Explain what you see.

This is a special pictrue.Every where is snow.we can't see the great sun, but we still can see the sunshine.There is a fence,abig rock.The sky is almost purple.The cloud is very thin.

Did you know the Great Lakes can be remembered by the word "home"? H is for? O is for? M is for? E is for? S is for?

H for LAke Huron,O for Lake Ontario,M for Michigan.E is for LAke Erie.S is for Superior

9. Why is this region a good place for agriculture? Tell me three reasons and explain.

I think this region is a good place for agriculture.Because the climate would be very comfortabale for the plants and the emblement.The air is very clean and there is no rubbish.There has enough water,enough soil and fresh air.//.
10. What did you learn today? Explain in 5-8 sentences:
I learned about The great Lakes-St.Lawerence Lowland.This place's climate.I learned the five big lakes.
They are:Lake Ontario.Lake Huron.Lake Erie.Lake Superior.and Lake Michigan.I know about these place's climate,vegetation...

