
The Canadian Shield

The Canadian Shield
1. Find a map of this region. Which provinces are in this region
There are many province in this region:Quebec,Territories Nord-Quset.Almost the part of Ontario and almost part of Manitoba.

2. Translate erosion. What is erosion? Explain in your own words.
腐蚀。The wearing away of rocks and other deposits on the earth's surface by the action of water, ice, wind.Or the act or process of eroding or the state of being eroded.

3. Why do you think the climate of this region will vary? Explain in 3-5 sentences. Look at the map of this region and think about it.
I think it is because the region is so big thst the climate is vary.The north region is colder,so the soth region is warmer.I think this is the reason.

4. The vegetation of this region is mostly boreal forest. What is special about a boreal forest? Explainin 3-5 sentences.
I think the special of the boreal forest,is the shape of the trees.The boeal forest,every tree is very straight and high.

5. Find a picture of the Canadian Shield. Explain why you like this picture in 3-5 sentences.

I like this picture because I can see the straight and high trees.The big and grow the grass on the edge.I can see the moutain clearly.The blue sky and the white cloud make me comfortable.

6.There is a lot of mining in this area. The Canadian shield is sometimes called a "mineral storehouse" because it has a lot of valuable minerals like lead, copper, gold, zinc and nickel.

a. Find a picture of lead. Post it.

b. Find a picture of copper. Post it.

c. Find a picture of gold. Post it.

d. Find a picture of zinc. Post it.

e. Find a pciture of nickel. Post it

7. If you were the owner of a mining company, why would you want to come to this area? Tell me at least 2 reasons.
!Because there are many treasure~
!Because treasure can make you more money.

